Ecological sustainability

For ecological reasons, we do not use bio-alcohol in the production of our fluxes

At Emil Otto, we attach great importance to the ecological sustainability of our products. This is why we do not use bio-alcohol in our fluxes, for example.

Ecological effects


The cultivation of energy crops in monocultures harms soil health, reduces biodiversity and makes plants susceptible to pests and diseases. This leads to soil degradation, water pollution and the loss of natural habitats.

Bee mortality

Monocultures have caused a 75% decline in insect populations over the last 30 years. In Germany, 300 out of 560 wild bee species are threatened by monocultures.

Water consumption

Energy crops require large quantities of water; up to 3,500 litres of water are needed to produce 1 litre of bioethanol, which is problematic in regions with water shortages.

Climate impact


The carbon footprint of bioethanol is negative, as the energy required for cultivation, harvesting, transportation and processing exceeds the CO2 savings.

N2O emissions

The use of fertilisers in the cultivation of energy crops leads to the release of nitrous oxide (N2O). This greenhouse gas has a significantly higher damage potential compared to CO2.

Water-based solutions instead of alcohol

For these reasons, we took a different path years ago and looked for alternatives to alcohol. One of the things we found was water. The water-based and hybrid fluxes we have developed are in no way inferior to alcohol-based alternatives in terms of performance. While conventional alcohol products often have a problematic ecological footprint, our water-based and hybridised solutions are an environmentally friendly alternative.

Environmentally friendly and powerful

Water-based fluxes are completely biodegradable and can be used on commercially available soldering systems without any problems. They deliver the same excellent soldering results as alcohol-based products and do not require longer drying times. Switching to these environmentally friendly fluxes is therefore straightforward and does not require any adjustments to your existing processes.

Optimised soldering properties with low alcohol content

Hybrid fluxes, which contain a small proportion of alcohol, can also be used in a wide range of applications. They are characterised by excellent soldering properties, particularly in terms of penetration and wetting of the PCB. With a wide process window and high thermal stability, hybrid fluxes ensure clean, high-quality results.

Our water-based and hybrid fluxes are suitable for a wide range of applications, including wave, hand and selective soldering as well as cable assembly and repair work. By using these innovative fluxes, you actively contribute to sustainability in electronics production without compromising on quality.
As a manufacturer of consumables that are shipped worldwide, it is also a key concern of ours to minimise the greenhouse gas emissions caused by the transport of products as much as possible. At Emil Otto, our innovative product range and the dispatch of flux concentrates, which can be transported in reduced volumes, make a significant contribution to minimising CO2-reduction.